First published: 22 Jun 2023
Last updated: 22 Jun 2023

Content written for

Individuals & families
Small & medium business
Large organisations & infrastructure

Australian businesses have a new source of help to understand and combat cyber threats through the refreshed Small Business Cyber Security Guide and new video developed by the The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD's ACSC).

With the increasing number and sophistication of cyber incidents, it’s never been more important for Australian businesses to strengthen their cyber security, said ASD's ACSC Assistant Director-General Standards, Technical Advice & Research, Dan Tripovich.

"We understand that many small and medium businesses have limited time and resources," Dan says.

"That’s why we’ve worked to make it easier for businesses to take action to secure their accounts, protect their devices and information, and prepare their staff," he says.

The refreshed Small Business Cyber Security Guide includes a number of new recommendations including using passwords managers and the importance of network security and emergency planning.

The ASD's ACSC recommends businesses create an emergency plan for cyber attacks and test it using the ‘Exercise in a Box’ tool. This tool allows businesses to test their ability to respond to a cyber security incident.

Other recommendations in the Small Business Cyber Security Guide include turning on multi-factor authentication, updating software, backing up information, using security software like anti-virus, educating employees, and staying informed by becoming an ASD's ACSC Partner.

By following the Small Business Cyber Security Guide, watching the accompanying video and using other resources on the website, businesses can help protect themselves against cyber security attacks.

"Small and medium businesses are the backbone of our economy," says Dan.

"We want to ensure they have the right advice and tools to protect themselves from cyber threats."

Download the updated Cyber Security for Small Business Guide and accompanying video to help your business become more cyber secure.

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